2024 Herb Starter Plants

  •  All of the seeds we use for our starter plants are organic and NON GMO. Organic Rosemary seeds were not available so we used non organic seeds.
  • The potting soil we use is an all organic soilless mix.
  • Only all natural ingredients are used to help feed our plants. 
  • No chemicals or pesticides are used on our plants in any way.
  • All of the photos that we use were taken by us of produce we have grown right here in our Denver backyard.
  • All illustrations were done by Kya Irish.

Yearly Starter Plant Sale Reminder Email



Genovese Basil

  • This is the basil you want if you like to make pesto
  • Up to 2 inch long sweet leaves
  • Slow bolting but be sure to keep trimmed to get leaves all season long
  • Sensitive to frosts
  • Full sun


  • Flowers that have a slight scent of apple 
  • Dry or use fresh in teas
  • Used for many medicinal purposes
  • Attracts bees and butterflies
  • Partial sun / Full sun


  • These come up early spring and have a beautiful purple flower soon after
  • Great herb used in a lot of recipes
  • Ready to use once it grows enough for you to cut


  • If you like Mexican cuisine, this is a must have herb
  • Cilantro does good while cool, but bolts as soon as it starts to warm up
  • Keep trimmed  and use the leaves to keep your plant growing longer
  • The seeds of cilantro are coriander 
  • Partial Sun


  • Used for dill pickles, seafood, and sauces
  • Larger and sooner flowers than Mammoth Dill
  • Attracts beneficial insects to your garden
  • 55-70 Days
  • Full Sun

English Thyme

  • Produces a small purple flower that will attract bees to your garden
  • Thyme is called for in many resipes
  • This plant will stop growing over the winter, but is still good to use at that point. Grow extra to get you through the winter
  • Partial sun




  • You can use the leaves fresh or dry for all year use
  • Will grow up to 24 inches high
  • Keeping this plant trimmed will encourage new growth
  • Full sun



  • This oregano has large leaves that can be used fresh or dried for the winter
  • Great in tomato sauces
  • Will grow 12-18 inches tall



  • This is the flat-leafed parley with more flavor then the curled varieties
  • Partial sun



  • Large-Leaved variety 
  • Use fresh or dried
  • Good for poultry and meat seasoning
  • Partial sun